Wagga Anglican and Anglicare have a significant partnership as we reach out for Jesus in service and caring for those in need in the city and the Riverina District.
Visit their sites:
Riverina section
Anglicare home page
The Riverina Anglican College is a Kindergarten to Year 12 school. It has an enrolment of approximately 1000 students.
As a Christ centred school, The Riverina Anglican College transforms lives through exceptional education, empowering each student to act with wisdom, compassion, justice and resilience.
The Forrest Centre commenced operations in 1985 to serve the needs of the local community. Over the years the centre has expanded its operations to include the Loreto Home of Compassion, also in Wagga Wagga, and its home care division, Forrest Community Services, which cares for people in their own homes across the Riverina Murray region.
The Mary Potter Nursing Home is an 80 bed high care facility situated in the medical precinct of Wagga Wagga. A major refurbishment and expansion was completed in 2018 and the facility now includes 50 high care beds, 20 specialist dementia care beds and a 10 bed palliative care hospice.
Pastoral Care plays a very important role in the daily life of the nursing homes with pastoral Care workers on staff at both sites. These staff attend to the spiritual wellbeing of the residents, as well as caring for their co-workers. Catholic and Anglican services are held weekly at both homes.
Rev’d Grant Bell is the current Anglican Chaplain at the Loreto Home of Compassion and Rev Mike Perrott is Anglican Chaplain at the Mary Potter facility. Catholic Priests from two of Wagga’s Parishes also provide clergy support for mass services as well as other pastoral needs. Ministers of other religious denominations are always welcome and are called in when a resident requests their presence.